Are some people just born with the gift of losing weight rapidly and some are not or is it really just a difference in diet and daily activity levels?
Jeremy Hunter
For example: the mentality that “I have a body type that just gains weight easy.” Is it true that if everyone ate and did the exact same thing, everyone would get the exact same results?
I hear all the time, “I’m just big boned.” … No, the truth is you’re just fat!
Now stop eating like a slob and move your ass! I’m not saying this to be mean or crude, I’m saying this because it’s reality. Yes, there are such things as metabolic syndrome but this is extremely rare and hardly ever the case.
I hear all the time, “I’m just big boned.” … No, the truth is you’re just fat!
Now stop eating like a slob and move your ass! I’m not saying this to be mean or crude, I’m saying this because it’s reality. Yes, there are such things as metabolic syndrome but this is extremely rare and hardly ever the case.
About The Author
Douglas Zimmerman is board certified as a Corrective Exercise Specialist. His certifications were attained through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and he is certified in Sport’s Hypnosis through The National Exercise & Sports Trainer Association. Additionally Douglas is certified through Apex, the leader in nutritional academia. He currently is a Big Brother in the Big Brother, Big Sister foundation. Douglas is also active in charitable events including; raising money for the homeless, UPARC fundraisers, and green events. Read More »
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Are some people just born with the gift of losing weight rapidly and some are not or is it really just a difference in diet and daily activity levels?