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What is the importance of actually setting a goal?

Justin Ricker

The importance of setting a goal it to get clarity on what you want to achieve and the direction you should be taking. Just the act of getting your goals out of your mind and on to paper makes them more visceral. The good book states.. “where there is no vision, people perish” Proverbs 29:18. The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching our goals, it lies in having no goal to reach.

About The Author

Douglas Zimmerman is board certified as a Corrective Exercise Specialist. His certifications were attained through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and he is certified in Sport’s Hypnosis through The National Exercise & Sports Trainer Association. Additionally Douglas is certified through Apex, the leader in nutritional academia. He currently is a Big Brother in the Big Brother, Big Sister foundation. Douglas is also active in charitable events including; raising money for the homeless, UPARC fundraisers, and green events. Read More »

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